

Lady support staff escort the students in routes. The drivers are well experienced and well aware of the areas. Well equipped and conditioned busses ply in routes.

The transport children are picked up 15 minutes earlier to reach school in time and left 15 minutes earlier to reach home safely.


Every day the education system is modified with new aids. Students are to be approached in different ways according to the topics and lessons. However teachers’ effort may be in vain in some topics. Students are unable to understand unless they are visually pursued. In order to fill this gap the school has been equipped with audio and visual aids. Smart classes are avail ensure the students confidence in concepts.



According to survey only 30% of the students have a habit to read books. In order to create interest and to make explore Library sessions are conducted. Library has contains myriad books which cater to all students and teachers. Before they have chosen they were scrutinized by experts.




Today’s children are tomorrow’s young citizens who can come the untamed world. Who knows that the student who disturbs science class every time, perhaps become a scientist. To encourage the young minds in different aspects laboratories are initiates. Math lab, Composite Science lab are caused to relinquish ambiguous and gain credence. Computer laboratory makes the child literate in technology. The Math and Composite laboratory impel them to create new things and think innovatively.





It is a process that happens through interactive mode. It aims to facilitate behavioral change, establish and maintain relationship, enhance decision-making skills and develop the potential. Students have different kinds of mindset. Some pupils are immediately coping with changing environment whereas. Some pupils fail. To develop confidence, Self control taking challenges and cope with circumstances we in SADSHIVA are privileged to have a Counselling room with a student counsellor to help children reach their full personal potentials and to prepare them for the challenges of everyday life.



Children are enthusiastic and energetic. They are enthusiastic to play games and sports. Sometimes they may come with primary health problem. These are the main reasons to have first aid room in the school with a qualified nurse.

Child is given first-aid for minor injuries and if in case of emergency or for further care, the child is rushed to hospital by informing concern parents.